
5 Stages Of Team Development And How To Navigate Them Smoothly

Daisy called a lot of shots in the Forming stage, so she emerges as the dominant team leader in this stage. She proposes a clear schedule and takes charge of contacting the local store to see what supplies they can get here, and what supplies they may need to go to the city for. She wants to go to the city to buy seeds because they cannot get the broccoli seed she wants in the local store.

Particularly when people with vastly different roles work together, expectations around needs, dependencies, and how to ask for help can be very different. Avoid misunderstandings and conflicts in this area by using this exercise to help everyone in a group coordinate around what they need to succeed and find ways to articulate those needs effectively. Where this exercise also excels is in giving everyone in the group room to respond and find better ways to work together in practical terms. A workshop to support teams to reflect on and ultimately increase their alignment with purpose/goals and team member autonomy. Use this workshop to strengthen a culture of personal responsibility and build your team’s ability to adapt quickly and navigate change.

  • In fact, moving from Norming to Performing often involves further refinement and reappraisal of working methods as your team grows and develops.
  • These groups occur naturally in the workplace and is more concerned with friendship and common interests.
  • In this exercise, you and your group proceed from reflecting on how you’ve managed conflicts in the past to develop a shared set of guidelines for managing conflict in your team.
  • One of the stumbling blocks many individuals and groups face when making change is knowing how to start while also being intimidated by the potential largeness of the task.

Well, truth be told, some teams may skip this step altogether, all in the hope that they’ll avoid unpleasant conflict and the clash of ideas. Sometimes, subgroups may form around particular opinions or authority figures — which are all clear signs that team cohesion has not happened yet. A general idea of what types of vegetables they could grow is forming and includes tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchinis, and peppers.

In addition to handling conflicts, you’ll need to determine workflows, follow them, and constantly tweak and improve them as you go along. In the end, they sell the garden, and go their separate ways, capping off the project as a complete success in every way. They’re also sad that they won’t get to see each other on a regular basis, as they’ve grown quite close.

When working together in this way, there is usually not as much room for conflict. A team’s strength depends on the commonality of purpose and inter-connectivity between individual members. This step was added to the existing model of group development by Tuckman in 1977. Reflecting on how perspectives and working practices have changed and been positively affected by individual and group effort can reveal great learning points for the future.

Stage #4: Performing

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Group Development Process

Even when a team is performing at a high standard, there are often opportunities for individual action and proactivity that can help maintain growth and keep everyone in a group happy. Remember that a group is strengthened as its individual members do more of what matters to them and are engaged in creating the change they want to see. In fact, moving from Norming to Performing often involves further refinement and reappraisal of working methods as your team grows and develops. Even on a limited-time project, taking time to analyze team effectiveness and working habits during the project is important in ensuring you can maintain productivity and course-correct where necessary. You can foster the empathetic capacity of participants to “walk in the shoes” of others. Recognizing these situations and responding with empathy can improve the “cultural climate” and build trust among group members.

Surface And Analyze Problems And Opportunities Effectively

Some team leaders become incapable of bringing the team to the performing stage, so they remain at the norming stage. As a group of individuals working together to achieve a common goal, a team can be compared with a living organism. A team is not something static – it continually grows and evolves, going through various development stages. The life cycle of a team can be compared to a human life cycle consisting of birth, infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, maturity, and death.

Group Development Process

After all, when you have to cooperate with someone for a longer period, it’s easier to do it if you get along well. That’s part of the reason HR departments task their job candidates with personality tests — to see whether they’d be adequate in terms of behavior and values. This stage of a group can be confusing and is usually reached when the task is successfully completed. At this stage, the project is coming to an end and the team members are moving off in different directions. As mentioned, some of the stages are team development may have some conflict, disagreements, or general butting of heads. However, there are some strategies you can do to help your team advance through the five stages with minimal conflict.

This is the stage at which would be an excellent customer service and to create an impressive examples. In this stage, characteristics include productivity, full development of the potential of the group and the individuals in the group, harmony and effective problem-solving. When your team is performing well, it can be easy to get caught up in the moment and assume that things will remain at this high level indefinitely. As teams grow and change they can move back into the Norming, Storming or even Forming stages of the group development process. This is where groups begin to settle into a working pattern, appreciate one another’s strengths and become more effective as a team. Most teams are comprised of people from different disciplines, backgrounds, and skill sets.

Where Do forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, And Adjourning Come From?

Overly prescriptive or unimaginative exercises can frustrate a team, particularly if it’s not their first rodeo. In this activity from Hyper Island, group members create their own questions on post-its and trade them with other group members as they mingle and break the ice. During this stage, team members can often be excited, anxious, or uncertain of their place within a team and will try to figure out their role in the group. The role of the team leader is especially vital during Forming, as group members will look to them for guidance, direction, and leadership.

Group Development Process

So, team orientation is over — and team members are likely to forgo their previously held politeness. So, they decide to split the fees, buy one of the neighboring fields, and grow a 120 sq feet vegetable garden. The position of this unofficial leader may also be occupied by the strongest authority figure in the team.


Thus, the researchers study about the group development to determine the changes that occur within the group. How to set up a clock-in clock-out system at work Need a good clock-in clock-out system so people coming to work can check in and out? How to track your team’s time off Here’s how you can easily track your team’s time off in Clockify…. Stagnation is always worse than conflict — instead of maintaining a facade of politeness, it’s crucial that you identify your problems, analyze them, AND talk about them. But, one day, Adam gets a job abroad, and Daisy’s job gets her relocated to a different county — they both need to move in a couple of weeks.

Although the effectiveness of the group may be variable, but forming a group just based on a certain commonality is not particularly difficult. A group’s strength may come from sheer volume or willingness to carry out a single leader’s commands. The members will selected for their complementary skills, not a single commonality. So the overall success depends on a functional interpersonal dynamic.

Also, keep an eye out for subgroups or cliques that can begin to form during this stage. Think of the forming stage like the first day of school or the first day at a new job. There’s excitement in the air and everyone is ready to roll up their sleeves and get started on the project.

It is time to celebrate the project’s success and say goodbye to each other. This stage is sometimes called a mourning stage because the members have grown close and feel a loss when the experience is over. Cross-functional teams – groups that bring together the knowledge and skills of individuals various work areas of groups whose members have been trained to do each others’ job. One of the stumbling blocks many individuals and groups face when making change is knowing how to start while also being intimidated by the potential largeness of the task.

When this stage is complete, there is a relatively clear hierarchy of leadership and agreement on the group’s direction. This is a structured process designed for teams to explore the way they work together. The tight structure supports team members to be open and honest in their assessment. After reflecting as individuals, the team builds a collective map which can serve as the basis for further discussions and actions. Each one encouraging the team to reflect and analyse a different and crucial element of their behaviour.

The Stages Of Group Development With Examples, Explained

In case of a conflict, the members can quickly resolve it by using the strategies adopted at the storming stage. Discuss the project goals and timeline, both for the team as a whole and for each member. Group members will react in some way that is independent of a confident and excited about the performance of their group. While, others may be sad over the loss of camaraderie and friendship.

HSR helps individuals learn to respond in ways that do not overpromise or overcontrol. It helps members of a group notice unwanted patterns and work together on shifting to more productive interactions. Participants experience the practice of more compassion and the benefits it engenders. Forming is the first stage of team development and is where a team first comes together, gets to know one another, and becomes oriented with the goals and purpose of the team.

Closure Adjourning Stage

At the end of the day, when your team implements the five stages of team development, it sets up everyone in all roles for success. Knowing what to expect in each stage gives you the opportunity to predict what could be around the corner, better support your fellow teammates, and have crystal clear alignment on all moving parts. Tuckman’s model of group development can help you understand how a team might theoretically grow, but alone it isn’t sufficient to help your team succeed and meaningfully develop. Being conscious of the process is a great place to start, but it’s worth remembering that reaching the performing stage isn’t a given and many teams get stuck early on. After delineating the roles of everyone in the team, it’s important to clarify expectations for how they should work autonomously and together. This exercise is an effective way of clarifying how your team should work together while also setting clear expectations around personal responsibility, reporting, and individual action.

The official team leader takes a back seat much more than in the previous stages, and the individual team members are given their chance to shine. In each stage, team members exhibit typical “task” and “relationship” behaviors, consistent with the basic theme of that particular stage of development. Relationship behaviors corresponde with the development of the identity and functions of the group from the personal orientations of the members. Task behaviors correspond with the progress of the group in understanding and accomplishing its work.

9 Dimensions is a powerful activity designed to build relationships and trust among team members. Arrange at least 1 team-building activity, to help people grow closer as a team. As a natural consequence of it all, your project is bound to progress at a steady rate — mismatched, uncompromising teams can only produce incomplete, confusing projects. Now, if the team members have grown close over time, and grown accustomed to working with each other, they may mourn the fact that it’s now time to move on and work with other people.

Usually, group dynamics and roles have yet to be established, a team leader will typically emerge and take charge and direct the individual members. As a leader, you can delegate the most of your work and focus on the development of your own skills. If you reach the performing stage, it means that your effort at the first three stages has finally paid off.

The team members also usually debrief and discuss what went well and what could be improved on for projects in the future. Both transactional leader skills and transformational leader skills can move the team from one stage of development to the next. Leader skills listed for each stage of team development translate 4 stages of role development into actions, or interventions, the leader can make in order to help the group to complete each stage’s task. Have you employed Tuckman’s stages of team development model when working with your own team? We’d love to hear about how you helped your team grow and what methods you employed while doing so!

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