
5 Key Components Of A Relapse Prevention Plan

This streamlined process includes a series of questions and discussion of your unique needs and goals. So, whether you need partial care or outpatient services, our Quantum staff is ready to help you restore hope and peace of mind.

When plotting a strategy, plan with an offensive mindset. Restore health and wellness through regular exercise and a nutritious diet, create self-accountability measures, adhere to medication-supported recovery , and continue outpatient therapy. The more care you take with developing this important plan of action, the more effective it will be when cravings emerge or triggers spark uncomfortable emotions. The plan should be thorough and honest, with multiple responses that can be utilized when the time comes when recovery is threatened. Denied users will not or cannot fully acknowledge the extent of their addiction. Denied users invariably make a secret deal with themselves that at some point they will try using again. Important milestones such as recovery anniversaries are often seen as reasons to use.

It can surface years after people have gained sobriety, often with little to no warning. After all, addiction is a compulsive disease that manipulates the mind, causing a chemical imbalance. But you can minimize your chances of relapse by choosing the right forms of drug treatment, and with the proper planning. The professionals at Kemah Palms Recovery® – Alcohol and Addition Treatment Center are available 24/7 to help you or your loved one.

The Importance Of Developing An Effective Relapse Prevention Plan

In this page you will learn how to use specific relapse prevention techniques for each stage of relapse. A detailed relapse prevention plan details exactly how to deal with cravings and urges when they come.

relapse prevention plan

A good plan can be the difference between relapse or not. It’s hard to stop the process of relapse at that point. That’s not where you should focus your efforts in recovery. If you recognize the early warning signs of relapse, and understand the symptoms of post-acute withdrawal, you’ll be able to catch yourself before it’s too late. The high risk of relapse is a tangible reminder of the foe you are facing down. In fact, before leaving treatment you should have identified the potential landmines and have a defined plan of attack under your belt in the form of a well-crafted relapse prevention plan. The tasks of this stage are similar to the tasks that non-addicts face in everyday life.

What Is Relapse

This individual may be a friend or family member but should be someone who encourages sobriety and has your back. While in recovery, continually note all the things that make you want to use.

  • With Quantum, you will always have the addiction support, alcoholism treatments, structure, and care that you need, even months or years down the road if you wish.
  • Think about the ways which you can effectively communicate and ask for help when a time comes that you may need it.
  • Writing a relapse prevention plan and taking the correct steps to help yourself stick to the plan is going to be very effective and beneficial in your recovery.
  • Recognize that you’re anxious and practice relaxation techniques.

Relaxation is an important part of relapse prevention, because when you’re tense you tend to do what’s familiar and wrong, instead of what’s new and right. When you’re tense you tend to repeat the same mistakes you made before. Perhaps your spouse is away for the weekend, or you’re away on a trip. That’s when your addiction will try to convince you that you don’t have a big problem, and that you’re really doing your recovery to please your spouse or your work. Remind yourself of the negative consequences you’ve already suffered, and the potential consequences that lie around the corner if you relapse again. For example, if you don’t take care of yourself and eat poorly or have poor sleep habits, you’ll feel exhausted and want to escape.

The Physically Perfunctory

To play the tape through, you must play out what will happen in your mind until the very end. Imagine what will happen in the short and long-term future if you decide to drink or use. Think of the consequences that would occur if you used vs. if you did not use. This can help with your decision making and reduce the risk of relapse.

relapse prevention plan

If an individual remains in mental relapse long enough without the necessary coping skills, clinical experience has shown they are more likely to turn to drugs or alcohol just to escape their turmoil. Although this may sound pessimistic, the truth is you don’t want to be stuck without a plan if relapse does happen. Write out a step-by-step plan detailing what you will do if you relapse. You may also relapse prevention plan want to make a list of people you can talk to if you start to feel yourself falling back into old habits and thought patterns. These people should be individuals you trust and that are familiar with your sobriety goals, such as family members and people from your outpatient support groups. Review your plan for relapse with them and discuss how they can help get you back on track if you do relapse.

But as part of their all-or-nothing thinking, while they were working, they felt they didn’t deserve a reward until the job was done. Since they did not allow themselves small rewards during the work, the only reward that will suffice at the end is a big reward, which in the past has meant using. To understand the importance of self-care, it helps to understand why most people use drugs and alcohol.

If you know an individual in recovery, knowing these might help you know when someone might be in trouble with relapsing. Relapse triggers and chances differ from person to person. However, by understanding how relapse occurs, one can use many techniques to prevent it.

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms, Timeline & When To Get Help

When people don’t understand relapse prevention, they think it involves saying no just before they are about to use. But that is the final and most difficult stage to stop, which is why people relapse.

  • The studies on which this evidence is based, however, were not designed specifically to test this question of differential benefit.
  • Keep this in your relapse prevention plan to remind yourself why you are doing this, and what you are working towards.
  • It may seem difficult to cut people out of your life, but remember it is ultimately what’s best for you to manage.
  • In some cases, simply having the resources can trigger a relapse.

It does not at all mean that the person has failed but, rather, it indicates that a new approach or treatment plan should be considered. Finding hobbies that occupy your mind and your time and are incredible. Something that you enjoy will keep you busy – when you’re doing something you love and you’re fully immersed in it time goes by faster than you can imagine. Creative or healthy hobbies are great outlets, things like dance, yoga, rock climbing, hiking are all great examples of hobbies. Things like this are great because you can always learn more, you can always improve at it, and you can always spend time enjoying it because these are things that don’t get old if you genuinely enjoy them. Take care of yourself physically and emotionally and incorporate these practices into your daily life.

Why Choose Quantum For Rehab After Work

Unlike acute withdrawal, which has mostly physical symptoms, post-acute withdrawal syndrome has mostly psychological and emotional symptoms. Its symptoms also tend to be similar for most addictions, unlike acute withdrawal, which tends to have specific symptoms for each addiction . A basic fear of recovery is that the individual is not capable of recovery.

  • If big changes aren’t possible in your situation, find small ways to support your new lifestyle.
  • Clinicians can distinguish mental relapse from occasional thoughts of using by monitoring a client’s behavior longitudinally.
  • If you use the drug again, your safe dose will be closer to a safe dose for an average person.
  • I will join a gym and plan to exercise three times per week.
  • Treatment can substantially improve your chances of achieving recovery.

You can then construct a healthy and positive way to manage those potential conflicts. In addition to this, a relapse prevention plan also helps you to overcome common misconceptions about the mental health effects of alcohol and drugs. It can also help you overcome some of the physical challenges that addiction creates by teaching you strategies to manage those complications. While precise relapse rates can be hard to obtain, estimated rates of relapse are 40-60%.

Cognitive-behavioral relapse prevention for addictions. Recovery from drug and alcohol addiction can be a long and challenging process. Have someone on call for weak moments when you might slip back into your old habits. A good friend can talk you down and remind you of all the wonderful things in your life worth protecting by staying off drugs and alcohol.

That’s not where you should focus your efforts in recovery. If you recognize the early warning signs of relapse, and understand the symptoms of post-acute withdrawal, you’ll be able to catch yourself before it’s too late. If you or a loved one are struggling with mental health or substance abuse, we can help. These are classic behaviors for those going through an emotional relapse. While one or another might be common to the recovery, too many can be a cause for concern. And after these, there are other signs to look out for in the mental relapse stage. Treatment, you’ll utilize a relapse prevention plan template to help you develop a solid strategy to maintain recovery.

Min Relapse Prevention Video

Avoiding an emotional relapse is learning to deal with those emotions with positive coping strategies. At Lifeskills South Florida, we develop and implement these plans as soon as possible to allow clients to practice relapse prevention strategies before they transition to a lower level of care.

Starting Your Relapse Prevention Plan

These activities also allow individuals in recovery to disconnect from the negative thoughts and feelings that often plague them. Having a healthy, mind and spirit creates greater resilience to relapse. Addiction is a compulsive need to continue using drugs or alcohol despite repeated negative consequences. You may want to quit using, but addiction can cause powerful cravings that make it difficult to quit without help.